Partner Visas Subclasses 820/801 And 309/100

If you are in a long-term committed relationship with someone who is an Australian citizen or Permanent Resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen, you may be able to apply for Partner Visa to enable you to stay together in Australia. Once granted, the first stage Provisional Visa is valid indefinitely unless the relationship breaks down, and the second stage of this visa is valid for Permanent Residence.

The Application Process

Provisional partner visa application
Approval of provisional visa
Wait approximately two years from original lodgement date (dependent on your relationship continuing)
Permanent Stage visa application


You must prove that you meet the eligibility requirements for this visa. This includes factors such as:
Be in a genuine relationship to the exclusion of others
Have been living together in a de facto relationship for more than 12 months, or be legally married
Meet the character and health requirements
Other factors may influence eligibility for this visa, so it is important that you have your individual circumstances assessed. Please contact us to arrange an assessment.
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